3 main ways to prolong life – Lifestyle & nutrition

Reaserchers at various Universities have carried out studies all over the world. In conclusions they have demonstrated that eating food together( a sweet ritual now in constant development) is one of thing that helps to prolong life. This conclusion underlines the fact that cooking for others and sharing meals prepared properly lowers the risk of all causes of death.

Scientists reached this conclusion after having studied 2.258 elderly, men and women, for thirteen years. They concluded that eating together has a positive impact on our health. Although they don’t know exactly why eating together is so beneficial. A scientist who conducted the research says he believes that being social and keeping busy causes “changes in the brain that protect against damage and keep the immune system healthy”.

This affects not only the individual, but also society because in most societies people are living longer. The society benefits from the wisdom and experience of the elderly, and the elderly benefit by staying healthy and happy. Furthermore there is some research published in the Harvard Gazette University which explains more in depth what basically happens.

Level of free radicals develop in our body when we do not things we enjoy – they decrease when concentrate on doing creative activities such as cooking – Furthermore cooking properly also means following a healthy diet which means, in plain words, a daily intake of fresh food such as  loads of fresh vegetables, fish, and limited intake of meat.

This helps the human body to get the right amount of Vitamins , minerals, sugars and proteins so that it can function correctly and consequently prevent no development of all of main pathologies caused by an unbalanced diet All this affect our mind too which is an organ made up of cells and it is very much connected with the rest of the human body. Our mind is often not taken into consideration when we mention the new psychopathologies which have organic causes.

P.S: I possess a Diploma as Chemical-biological Laboratory techincian achieved at the high school- attended traning at laboratories of the central Hospital of my own town – attended a training in Virology and Immunology, a certification in Commercialisation and production of Organic Food- attended some college at Pharmacy department of University of Bari where i have passed exams in Chemistry, Human Anatomy, Hygiene, Physics. Furthermore I have passed and awarded a Diploma in Psychology at Global Edulink.co.uk.

Please feel free to leave a comment , a question and anything else i could discuss with all you in details and in plain words

2 Replies to “3 main ways to prolong life – Lifestyle & nutrition”

  1. Interesting article. What country was the research undertaken in?
    I’m an advocate of eating a good diet

    1. I have got to know that a survey in England has highlightied the increase of young people becoming overweight and obese.This situation which seems to follow the American “Fast Food lifestyle” determine an increase of heart attack risks , blood vessels functions damaged and negative consequences on the all organs.

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