The sky snagged my words through a shrieck

the innumerable life experiences often full of oddities and an innate tendency to mull over make us wiser about a universal mysterious relationship.

During the age of 40. I loved to speak with zest of my travels around the world on my own. The listeners kept their ears wide open to grab any detail and anecdote to enjoy my stories. Furthermore I got really into the part of life and soul of the party of my vast group of friends. My active and wild imagination produced mind-boggling ideas assuring fun time to the whole group.

My friends enjoyed almost my rule. However few years earlier my age of 40, my entertaining skills were fading into the group’s atmosphere. Men and ladies often fell into a state as if they got through an electric disturbance. They commenced to be far more concerned on settling down. The majority of the group was made up of couples who savoured the alienating oblivion of the overwhelming fun time spent for years.

Now, as costume of the young generation of my town, they were crashing against the wall of the reality. Where I am? Have I finished my studies? It is high time to get married, isn’t it? These were only some of the questions that got stuck in the mind of those couples but especially in ladies’ mind.

As a consequence, when we used to hang out together for fun time, most of the couple split up after years and the day after were together again. Split up for a day and be a “king for a Day” I exclaimed. – I immediately remembered a famous tune “king For a Day” sang by a rock-metal band very successful – my few companions and I burst out laughing. My rich vein of humour produced countless of this type of statements.

Furthermore some ladies exchange their partners among them, as they easily broke off their respective love relationship. The ladies spent long time before making a final decision about the partner of their life. The Hysteria began to pour into the minds of ladies. They couldn’t cope with instincts and emotions.

Men, on the other hand were immune because of his strong rational approach. However I would notice surges in quarrels of couples and  between friends. I dared not to speak!   Men tried to appease the ladies, and waiting eagerly for a state of quietude. The dropout chaotic atmosphere would have provoked a great harm to my sensitiveness.

Once I had thought about engaging with one of the ladies but I wasn’t viewed as their target partner. To cut a long story short, in two years of time the vast majority of couples in the group got married(80%). Luckily I had only attended two wedding celebrations declining the invitation for the rest of matrimonies.

I had been attending numberless marriages since I was a young boy because of my numerous relatives. I now began to feel a natural rejection to events like these. The group of friends got far smaller, there were now seven people. After a year two couples spawned.  They made up their mind to get married within the same year. Yet there were no settlement projects for the two remaining person and I.

However in few months the two remaining persons, two of my best old friend flied away for working. It looked like I was alone but the last couple who got married continued to be in touch with me. Every so often we hung out together; furthermore they loved to bring new friends. It might have rekindled the atmosphere! Initially it seemed that we were enjoying the time all together. But only six months passed to reveal the critical and cheating aspect of the new friends.

They showed lack of nurturing real friendship. The growing selfishness and eagerness of the new friends sprang up so that they behaved as in a state of persistent alienation. In any case their company weren’t anymore worthy. The couple, my close friend, and I came up an idea to get rid of them as quickly as possible. But this experience marked that period as one of the most bizarre and disappointing. The time passed and my two married friends started to be busier in their life. We sometimes had a drink in a pub, but I commenced to be alone most of the time. Fearing the loneliness I was compulsively moved to search for new company.

I began to go out with people who had already met at some events in a distant past. But they had never been my friends. The frenzied research of the new friends revealed, far later, their blinkered manners and a shortage at cultivating relationships. They considered friendship as a sort of business network! I tried to cut our meetings because of their negative impact on my mental view and social attitude, but it was unease as we had been getting out together for years.

Get rid of them! Do it as soon as you can! Of course I can get to know far better people! I said to myself. Thanks to my innate passion for music gigs and cultural events I began to attend them and savour the full events. Relaxation and contentment fulfilled me. I also had the chance of knowing new friendly people! However this came about rarely, as a consequence I still met and hung out with the friends I’d go out recently.

I was mucking about in the sleazy company of these friends. Pampering in these meetings was raising my boredom which soon turned into paranoia and dissatisfaction. I began to be worried about these feelings. I didn’t want to fall into depression. So I impelled myself to make any deeds to avoid the “deadly fall”. I frequently started to attend bars, bringing some books. It might have pulled in the curiosity of other bar attendees and get involved in a probable chat.

It was of my habits changing often locations, I thought it would help to raise distraction and support my mood weighted by my dark thoughts.

I sometimes drove away from my town. I’d take any direction possible, it didn’t matter the place I was reaching. The important thing was that the vision of new places could enlighten my mind and relief my soul.

I also took care of an old uncle, as I was single. My parents had passed away. I often come up against hard moments. In spite of all attempts to get through the current situation I was feeling alone yet. One day, a sunny sky involved me at driving. I drove out far from my town, and I was feeling good.

On the way back home I was driving on a highway which gave access to the downtown, where I lived, and the suburbs. To take the direction towards the downtown I veered too much and made a mistake entering a narrow country road which lead towards a marine park.

Driving carefully on this country road I noticed that at specific point was narrower. At some point I had to stop, a car was coming towards me which stopped at the same point I was. Only one of the cars could pass through that narrow passageway. In hasty confusion I immediately veered and moved toward the edge of the road.

The exaggeration of the movement brought me over the edge of the road. However I  made space enough to let the other car to pass. The car passed with full disregard of my car and me. My car, still, was rooted to the ground. The wheel of my car was partially on a ruined and unpaved road sprinkled with pebbles and brushwood.

I was quite furious. That exaggerated movement produced a loud noise. The car bumper had hit the ground of the paved road. The wheel instead was on the bumpsy terrain next to the paved road. But the difference in height among the paved road and the uncultivated soil next to it didn’t allow the wheel to adhere perfectly and move out of there. Each manoeuvre I attempted was a total failure. I was always stuck in that position.

In the meantime I also noticed the careless glances of drivers who crossed me. My face grew violently red. I suddenly twitched, getting out of the car. I had initially felt on edge, then I commenced to despair. But I looked up at the sky, then I shouted: God, please help me, please! After few minutes I began to feel calm. Furthermore I was quite relaxed to focus and come up a solution.

My mind seemed to get rid of dark thoughts and give space to a full shine. As a result I mulled over to call the mechanic, who friendly told me that someone of his staff would come to help me to solve the trouble. The full shine that poured into my mind had activated each specific area of my brain to work out a quick fix.

I was able to visualise the whole surroundings, my eyes acted as a scanning instrument. In the examination of the roughened terrain showed up brushwood, pebbles and some old furniture lay heaped on the soil. There were single elements of the furniture too. I saw and carefully noticed a very thickened element. This might be helpful! It is enough thickened to allow the wheel’s adherence and move the car.

So I grabbed the element and put it as close as I can to the wheel. I got into the car and sat at the driving seat and deeply thought of how to carefully manage the steering wheel. I began to press the accelerator more times to raise the driving force. I entered the forward gear and pressed the accelerator. The wheel initially slithered against the element, after that it reached quickly a full adherence. As a result the car moved forward and got back on the road. It wasn’t anymore stuck.

Hurray, hurray! I exclaimed. In just a few minutes I had sort the trouble out. I again looked up at the sky, in full delight this time. I drove back home with great relaxation. The day after I brought my car to the mechanic. “You’ve been lucky!” said the mechanic to me. There were no considerable damages. I had always been a man who tended to mull over everything and sometimes was useless.

However this event reminds me of an outstanding statement written on the Holy Bible –

Luke 17:5 – 10

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

 He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.

P.S: Being a Creative thinker, anyway a thinker for all matters involved me also to discerning words written in the Holy Bible. First I put aside the doctrinal aspects, then I’ve been able to gain perspectives and concepts that can be really helpful in the everyday life.

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